Today was Tuesday, again time for the weekly prayer meeting. When the CEO leads the prayer meetings, you know the organization takes them seriously. It was again an uplifting time. Today, Debbie finished the project on affiliate websites. I placed a couple of donor calls and cleaned up the computer room project started yesterday. Debbie and I went to lunch with an individual who helped guide me through a prior work transition. It was great to reconnect and introduce Debbie.
We referred to Dawson’s print publications a few days ago. He has also written 175 topic-based blog entries, which appear on website, capturing years of experience and wisdom on youth matters. These entries are available to youth seeking help online and hope coaches addressing issues on calls or chats.
Partners are an important component of ministry. The ministry encourages every interaction to include a referral to a partner. Kathy Cook, who develops these relationships, explains what is looking for in a ministry partner.
We mentioned a few days ago that calls are screened for the Sunday night show. Rachel Cardinal, who manages this process, explains what screeners consider when selecting calls for the show.
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